目前分類:我的興趣 (47)
- Aug 21 Sun 2011 01:35
- Aug 08 Mon 2011 23:07
「潮T實驗室」我好愛泰國人的搞笑創意 (下)
- Aug 02 Tue 2011 08:20
「潮T實驗室」我好愛泰國人的搞笑創意 (中)
- Jul 30 Sat 2011 10:44
- Jul 29 Fri 2011 00:49
「潮T實驗室」我好愛泰國人的搞笑創意 (上)
要給消費者一個絕對不撞衫的承諾! 每個款式限量發售,都是Aiwa 在曼谷街頭精心挑選的。 我希望人們穿上身的是簡單、是生活、是有趣,最重要的是獨特。我們的核心價值:有趣、創意、獨特潮T。
- Dec 01 Mon 2008 11:08
日期:2008-11-24 ~ 2008-11-30
標題:天天愛爾蘭:揭開「不忍逼視的真相」 地點:全館
時間:2008-11-24~11-30 10:00 a.m.~ 7:00 p.m.
地點:台北國際藝術村1F幽竹廳 & 2F遊藝廳‧藝術7-1 (台北國際藝術村旁自來水事業處日式宿舍)
* 影音裝置展:家醜外揚 │Home Truth
- Jun 16 Mon 2008 01:48
V for Vendetta
But it was my integrity that was important. Is that so selfish?
It sells for so little, but it's all we have left in this place.
It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch we are free.
I usurp the words of the Holy Bible, to cover up the undisguised fault the most. Appearance is a sage, heart is a devil.
I will die soon, the health will be rotten, but except my soul, my spirit does not die. Though my soul is fragile and helpless, it is this only ground things that are worth treasuring in the world. Will never talk about rashly and give up. Do not allow them to seize.